Ace AF1 Low review

Posted in Product Review on January 17th, 2023 by corpo

Kevin and Rob have been requesting I do reviews for a long time, so here’s my first one. Now that it’s done I should add that I think the tightened wheelbase, lower truck height and the heavy hangers contributed to the flip trick struggles. Anyway, maybe I’ll do more as it seemed to at least make my friends laugh some.

skate journal: brief one before filming at dog park (jan 15, 2023)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 17th, 2023 by corpo

Met up with Joe, Sean and Garrett at dog park on a cool day. I did a couple slappy crooks and a switch front nose before settling in on filming those dudes.

skate journal: ultra minimum getting the feel of things in xero kelsos (jan 14, 2023)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 17th, 2023 by corpo

My calf is still not healed, but on a beautiful day I couldn’t resist standing on my board. And that’s literally mostly what I did. On the side of the school I just did a few nollie shoves, fakie shoves, ollies and posed a couple kickflips. I was wearing Xero Kelso shoes because I’m sick AF of being injured. Skate shoes suck. They weren’t as grippy as NBs, but felt okay. Their wider toebox made my 8.25 board feel absolutely tiny though. I skated maybe 10 minutes and did not seem to do anything that made things worse. Oh yeah, I wore toe spacers too which really seemed to help position the foot.