skate journal: trying not to skate at broomfield and then valmont (jan 27, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on January 30th, 2023 by corpo

Shortly after the Dr told me not to skate I picked up Kevin in Denver and we went to Broomfield park. For those not in the know, Kevin moved to WI. But yeah the doc wasn’t happy with my calf progress and said not to skate for a long time. Well, he said to avoid jumping which I mostly did. But going to Broomfield isn’t very good for that. Especially when only the street section is dry and even the quartapotty had a puddle in front of it. I rode my 8.75 setup because why not, it should prevent me from trying flip tricks and ollies. I did do a kickflip though which felt surprisingly good. Also a few basic non-pop nose stall related tricks on the ledges. Kevin took requests like a first try signature switch nosegrind 180. There were a few people there with multiple phones in the way pointing at tricks they were trying. It ended up getting pretty cold and windy so we left.

In Boulder we went to Valmont which was 10 degrees colder, but the sun had come out and there was no wind so it felt great. I kept with trying not to really jump. Had some fun doing ultra basic front 5-0 to fakie on the top of the bank and a couple fun runs on the little transition area in the top. Cass, Jack B, Paul also showed. Kevin did a switch backside flip, alley oop nollie b/s flip, some good long runs. Paul gets his back leg up on ollies and they look rad. Cass back big over the euro like it’s nothing. Jack B went over to the small section of dog park that was dry and worked on crooks. I did a couple slappies there eventually. Kevin had nollie nosegrind on the bench. Cass was almost doing back 180 nosegrinds on the curb.

(setup null 8.75 spanbauer, jessup ultragrip, ace 55 hollow, bones 51mm pj v1 103a, xero kelso b/w size 12 nike sb dunk insoles)
(pain level 3/10 not much pain because I didn’t really do anything)