Sebadoh – Vampire. Today’s Song Of The Day

Posted in Song Of The Day on March 20th, 2009 by corpo

 Sebadoh – VampireCouldn’t find it on youtube, but the link above works.  Such a great fuzzy grunge early 90s indie rock song.  

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Leo Romero KILLS!

Posted in Random skate news on March 18th, 2009 by corpo

upSo insane.  

skate journal: Rampy with Nate (March 17)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 18th, 2009 by corpo

Avoiding the working on the shower and street skating (due to my hurt foot) both in one night!  Nate came over around 9 and we ended up skating Rampy for a couple hours sweating like crazy.  It was Nates first time skating a ramp with vulcanized shoes so it was like a whole new world to him and he was landing tricks way sooner then normal.  After we both got the majority of our tricks (not very quickly) we started working on some new ones.  Nate was trying front pivot to fakie.  I was trying back 5-0 to fakie.  When the dust settled Nate ended up with a back hurricane (well, more like a front feeble stall turned to forward) and I did a back feeble stall to fakie.  So stoked.  Nate went on to learn front 50s as well before hitting his knee and we ended the session.  Super fun and I didn’t seem to hurt my foot to much.

About time I work on the house ..

Posted in Me Me Me on March 17th, 2009 by corpo

showeryOur shower was getting moldy so Liz took it upon herself to start a new project for us.  rampyThe only action Rampy has seen in awhile.  Makes a great workbench!crapI really really really don’t want to fix the drip problem!  

23 pieces of Pizza!!!!

Posted in Me Me Me on March 17th, 2009 by corpo

down with vortexGo to Gordon’s blog to read about the pizza contest.  So sick!

skate journal: Cheyenne park for St Flattys Day (March 15)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 16th, 2009 by corpo

It was super nice and warm in Boulder and Neil and I headed up to Cheyenne for the annual St Flattys Day contest. For some reason or another I’ve missed all of Rich’s contests due to work or something, but I had no excuse this time.  Of course it was windy up there.  Ugh.  Anyways, dudes were ripping.  Bernie and crew showed up as well as some Ft Collins crew.  Neil was skating good.  I’m basically skating in dork mode until my foot heals up and am lot allowing myself to do flip tricks at all.  Such a bummer.  Especially because they had a game of SKATE that I would have loved to enter.  I doubt I would have gone far, but whatever, I definitely wished I could have entered.  At one point I had a little line going basically copying what Neil did, but not as good.  Ollie into the flat bank, ollie the hip, no comply tail on the stepup bank, then a ledge trick.  But I never got a ledge trick.  figures.  Dorking around some more on the green pyramid I did a manual up, nose manual the flat, manual down.  Dorky, but fun.  Neil and I skated the bowl for awhile too.  We had fun just cruising around and it warmed us up.  Damn that wind!  Before turning into a judge Neil and I skated the tiny little quarterpipe that goes up to the kinked ledge.  I had tried a couple nosestalls and some kid decided he had to show me he was better and did it.  Pretty funny.  After that I tried Front 5-0s to fakie and ended up getting a couple where I even grinded.  Stoked.  Now I need to do it on Rampy.  Fun day.  But screw that wind.

skate journal: Longmont parks with Ollie (March 15)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 16th, 2009 by corpo

Went swimming at the Longmont Rec Center with India and Ollie and it’s right next to a little skatepark in Longmont.  Ollie saw it while in line for the diving board and from that moment on wanted to skate that park.  After some lunch and icecream we drove all the way back to Boulder where we left India to a friends house and drove back to Longmont to that park.  The bummer was the city removed a couple obstacles for some dumb reason.  Ollie was ripping.  Dropped in on the little quarterpipe and also got a rock fakie on it.  It’s funny because I had gotten him a new flannel and he looked so stylee in his gear.  Cracked me up.  Anyways, my foot was not doing well and I was SUCKING.  Between not being able to ollie and not being able to do axle stalls to fakie on the little quarterpipe I got really pissed off.  Not cool when your just out skating for fun with your kid.  After awhile we left because Ollie was bummed they took out his favorite obstacle (the pyramid/funbox thing).  We went to the ledge trick (called the “rollerblade” park by some) and Ollie amazed me by pushing pretty fast into the rollin.  He was HAULING ASS and rode out of it.  The father part of me was scared, but the skater part of me was hyped.  I continued to suck it up.  It took me like 10 tries to ollie over the low flat bar.  Ugh.  I can’t wait for my foot to get better.

skate journal: Creekside with Ollie (march 13)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 16th, 2009 by corpo

My foot is still messed up.  Ollie and I went across the street to the school and cruised around for awhile.  I was really hurting at first and just hit the little yellow curb.  I did a front smith stall front 180 out.  Never done that before.  Does a new stall trick on a curb count?  Is it pathetic that I actually know I’ve never done that before.  I tried a few crook stalls to back 5-0, but ended in back d everytime and bailed.  Then we went to the side of the school and Ollie ollied up a curb.  Sick!  I was trying manuals to wall and push back doing a fakie manual.  If it wasn’t 10 feet long I may have gotten it.  Next we went behind the school and I just tried fast ollies and tried to actually lift up my legs.  Maybe two of them were better then my normal ollies.  They also repainted the USA map on the concrete and it was really good for power slides.  Fun fun.  Felt good to skate, but I’ve imposed a temporary no flip trick rule and that makes skating not as fun for me.

skate journal: SF DAY 4 (March 9)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 13th, 2009 by corpo

Another sunny day in SF, another day started at 3rd & Army.  But this time we raided the Lowcard warehouse first.  All jazzed up with fresh gear and no hangovers led to some decent skating quickly.  Neil was killing it out of the gates.  No surprise there, he never needs a warmup.  I had my favorite line of the trip and I hardly even left the ground.  Back 50 up the ledge down the 2 stair, super lame backside ollie on the quarterpipe, ollie/wallie up the tall ledge, ollie to painful landing off, jump off the board onto the 2nd stair, ollie the tiniest gap, manual the the next stair and a kickflip on flat.  After how bad I’d been skating on this trip it was seriously fun to land a couple tricks.  After that I backside 50’d down the little ledge on the 2 stair as well.  I think that might be my first time ever back 50’ing down anything.  After that the session pretty much went downhill for me.  Others were ripping, but I hurt my foot on a halfcab flip in a game of SKATE against Jake.  DOH.  After awhile we went back to a jersey barrier spot that I didn’t skate before, but got kicked out right away.  Next up was the Flower Shop again.  My foot was dead so instead of skating the gnarly tranny I just hiked a little hill and bombed it about 20 times.  It was really fun.  Then Gabe, Neil, Fuzz and Gordon did it like it was nothing.  Oh well, at least I got mine in the Pizza Eating contest that followed.  Pictures soon.  After stuffing 23 peices of pizza in my face we hit the Lowcard ramp where guess what, I sucked!  It took me like 20 tries to land an axle stall.  I wish I could blame it on the pizza, but the fact is the pool coping, tight tranny and my numb foot were to blame.  I had one run with a couple tricks in it, but never got to the ones I wanted to try.  Fuzz, Lazer and Gordon killed it.

skate journal: SF day 3 (march 8)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 13th, 2009 by corpo

Another day in sunny SF.  Some people were really hung over after the shop party.  Mainly Brian and Gordon.  The rest of us were getting ansy to skate and skating some random little hill stuff around the corner from the shop.  My foot was HURTING.  Everytime I tried to ollie up the curb I thought I was just going to run into it.  Fuzz, Lazer, Jake and Neil were ripping the corner.  After awhile we decided to skate and left the hangover crew to recover.  We skated to 3rd and Army, but stopped at some ledge on the way just long enough to piss off some bums and land a few basics.  Fuzz and Jason were ripping.   We also met up with our old Boulder buddy Pat Wang and his roommate. (the first spot is the ledges outside the flower shop).  This other friend of theirs was there too named Larry.  He did some amazing stuff, but amazed us all with a 9 foot tall pop shove it off a bench.  It was seriously phenomenal.  After while we peaced out as Gordon, Gabe and Brian had showed up with a Uhaul Van for us to ride in.  Sick!  We peeped some gnarly SF hills, skated Wallenburg for a bit, then hit Ft Miley.  Nick met up with us at Ft Miley and it was one of the funner sessions of the trip for me which is odd because I really didn’t do anything noteworthy.  Fuzz and Nick killed it.  As we left I got a little hill ride down the bikepath to the van.  Not too fast, but it was fun.