skate journal: garage blah (march 4, 2021)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 4th, 2021 by corpo

Not feeling much like skating on a cold wet night I went to the garage to get a fakie bigflip since I couldn’t land one the day before. I was feeling bloated from dinner and struggled to jump at first. Got to fakie flip, halfcab flip, 2-2 on fakie varial flips then got the fakie bigflip. I tried switch flips for a bit and was not close at all. Then on to treflip. I got one 4th try! I was desperately trying to get 3 within 10 tries, but that didn’t happen. In fact I went about 30 more tries before I put an end to my old chipped board. Ugh. I can take away some positive in that I landed on several and was super close to most of them.

(setup 8.25 303 deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow, bones medium bushings, spitfire f4 50mm classic shape 99a, new balance numeric foy 306 navy size 12, thin es insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: broomfield lunch session with rob, dave and sean (march 3, 2021)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 4th, 2021 by corpo

On an absolutely gorgeous day I worked for a bit in the morning then took a half day to enjoy the weather. I met Dave, Rob and Sean at a mostly empty and dry park. I hadn’t skated in two days and wore my old Foys as the 212s were dead. No real insole this time around and they felt good (although i would be super sore after skating). We skated for a solid three hours. Dave had been there for awhile, but the rest of us basically showed at the same time. Warming up felt decent for me and had some fun nollie back tails on the blue lurb. Seemed like everyone was on their own for a bit. Dave was up top doing bluntslide shoves on the mount. Sean was working through flip tricks. Rob lining things out. I was trying some lines too. At one point Sean said told me he was going to do a halfcab flip and missed it then I said “I think you were trying this” and missed one. Rob same, Dave same. Ha. It was funny though. We did get them after that. Rob was in demo mode with the long lines. Sean and I tried tricks on the blue pad followed by the ironman challenge. Sean was doing cool tricks like halfcab nose manual on the blue ledge while I was bailing kickflip back 50s or doing terrible back 50s. I struggled with heelflips, but once I got a few I got the treflip. I haven’t done the Ironman in awhile and it felt good. Sean got it too and went on to do like 5 treflips which is a lot for him. Dave did some back tails on the mount, boardlides on the little bar. Rob had lots of manuals on the slanted pad, back 50s, front 50 back 180, front tailslides, nollie front lip, switch boards, fakie bigs. I did okay on the black ledge as far as front 50s worked more times than not although I couldn’t do much else. Rob bounced. Sean did a line with kickflip nose manual, treflip then almost first try heelflip nose manual. Wow. He went on to get the heelflip nose manual and fakie bigspin manual. Dave was inspired by his halfcab nose manual and started trying them. He got close. I was trying nose manuals as it’s been too long and could not get one. Seriously tried for like an hour. I came really close to some nollie tres at least. I would finally get the nose manual and it did feel good. I shot my board off the steep bank in celebration only to see my tail get chipped beyond believe. Doh! Fun session even though I really didn’t land much. Definitely way better than work! And I should be somewhat happy about how easily I was getting up the little ledge.

(setup 8.25 303 deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow, bones medium bushings, spitfire f4 50mm classic shape 99a, new balance numeric foy 306 navy size 12, xero insoles)
(pain level 3/10)