skate journal: dog park after work with dave and more (march 8, 2021)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 8th, 2021 by corpo

Right after work I went to meet Dave at dog park on a nice, but breezy afternoon. The park was not too crowded. Golden Hill Josh was there. As was nullumni Derek and Boulder rippers Max and Robbie and several other people. It wasn’t too crowded though. Dave was already there trying manual the narrow pad then manual the MJ ledge. He got it and I was happy I didn’t have to try it as my first attempt at an ollie onto the pad was terrible. I was wearing the Es Accel Slim Plus today to see if they resulted in less pain. They did, but I also struggled in them. I was hyped to see Derek there. He was ripping. Front blunt shove, front feeble, front crooks, smooth 180 the orange barrier. We were all doing our own things for awhile. I never got to front 50s on the ledges, but crooks and noseslides worked well. Josh and I tried treflips for a bit, I got the worst one ever done 3rd try then couldn’t get a better one. Dave is still working on the varial heel and it looks doable. He did some really good switch crooks. I got a fakie nosegrind, was defeated on back 50s. Chatted with Matt at the dog park for a bit. I thought Dave was leaving, but hew was still there trying bigspins. Then we went on a slappy crook transfer marathon. Both of us had some good crooks. I have never been so posted up that I came to a halt before. I had one that was so close to a smooth slappy crook transfer, but then faded away and didn’t land any flip tricks between tries. Dave was more consistent and got into rock a few times. Then he landed a transfer! It was sick! We left after that. Oh and Max doing switch front nose manny the picnic table was bonkers. I really don’t like the accel slim plus shoes.

(setup 8.25 null spanbauer deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow, bones medium bushings, spitfire f4 50mm classic shape 99a, es accel slim plus grey size 11.5, xero thin insoles)
(pain level 3/10)